27 quizzes to explore your sexual self

Sometimes knowing about yourself sexually means knowing more about yourself overall. It can be difficult to ask for the things that you want if you don’t know what’s out there or what makes sense to you as a person.

Please note the vastness of sexual expression cannot be contained in these quizzes. None of these quizzes are meant to act as diagnoses or definitive answers on who you are. We shouldn’t be in a box! Instead, use these quizzes as tools to help you explore and ask questions about yourself. If you feel like your results are wrong, that is still valuable information! Even if you agree with the results, you should still question them and ask what they mean to you as an individual.

Questions to ask when considering the results of your quiz:

  • What information feels accurate? What feels inaccurate?

  • What have I learned about myself?

  • How does this information fit in with how I express my sexuality?

  • How does this information apply to my experiences of sex and intimacy?

  • How does this information apply to my relationship experiences?

  • How can this make me feel safer and more comfortable with sex?

  • How can this help me communicate my sexual needs and desires?

  • What elements of this should I explore further?

If you would like to suggest a quiz, discuss your results, or talk more about developing your sexual self, feel free to contact me, or schedule an appointment.


Personality assessments can give you a good indication of how you tend to approach life and make decisions. However, we often don’t think of our results in terms of sex and sexuality. When you take these tests, try to answer them by thinking about the way you are with sex and your sexuality.

Big Five
16 Personalities
Enneagram test
Self-compassion test
VIA Character Strengths Survey

Sexual identity

Knowing how you identify is a currently a hot topic. It is important because it helps you know how to be with yourself and your sexuality. These assessments can be helpful in helping to orientate yourself on the vast spectrum of sexuality and sexual identity.

What is your sexuality?
Kinsey Scale

Sex knowledge

Finding out what you don’t know is a great way to figure out what things you need to learn. These quizzes explore general sex knowledge.

What is your sex IQ?
Sex fact or fiction
Orgasms: What do you know about the big O?

Sexual function

If you want to explore what’s working or not working from a biological perspective, these quizzes offer a good starting point.

Sexual self-assessment questionnaire
How’s your libido?

Safer sex

Use quizzes like these to make sure you are across all of the most recent and relevant ways to have safer sex experiences.

STIs and safer sex
Before you have sex quiz

Sexual values

These quizzes suggest ways of being with sex. There are many ways of being with sex that cannot be contained in these few quizzes! Use these are a starting point for your exploration.

Jaiya's Erotic Blueprint Quiz™
Sex personality test
What’s your sex type?
Sex values quiz
Seduction archetypes quiz


Start new conversations and enhance intimacy with your partner by exploring these quizzes together.

Attachment style test
How well do you know your partner?
Five love languages
How good are you at communication in love
How healthy is your sex life?


Want to add more kink, but not sure where to start? These tests allow you to consider different kinky options, as an individual or with your partner to help you explore what you’re into.

BDSM test
Kink test (for partners)
Carnal calibration test (for partners)

If you would like to suggest a quiz, discuss your results, or talk more about developing your sexual self, feel free to contact me, or schedule an appointment.


what is sex therapy?


exploring somatic sexology